In classical music, the word “Microcosmos” immediately brings to mind Bela Bartók, composer, who created 6 movements of individual pieces for solo piano and called the work “small world” - Microcosmos. The work unfolds from very simple to complex. The listener of the Delft Chamber Music Festival heard a selection of those pieces during the Opening Concert. In today's concert we delve further into Bartók's universe, which evolves from very simple motifs or rhythmic structures to colorful, more complicated, adventurous stories.

Both String Quartet No. 1 and the Sonata for 2 pianos and percussion are very personal chamber music works. The first was inspired by his love for violinist Stefi Geyer and the second dedicated to his second wife, pianist Ditta Pásztory. The latter work premiered in Basel with Ditta and Béla at the piano.

Grab your chance to experience the special work of this composer, who was far ahead of his time, live with two grand pianos on stage!

Béla Bartók (1881 – 1945) String Quartet No. 1 in A minor. (1909)
Arethusa Quartet:
Daniel Rowland, violin
Floor Le Coultre, violin
Dana Zemtsov, viola
Maja Bogdanovic, cello

Béla Bartók (1881 – 1945) Sonata for two pianos and percussion (1937)
Marianna Shirinyan, piano
Nino Gvetadze, piano
Joey Marijs, percussion
Niels Meliefste, percussion

Tickets: € 38,50 incl. drink afterward

Delft Chamber Music Festival