▾ VriendenLoterij VIP-KAART

Voor onderstaande concerten ontvangen houders van de VriendenLoterij VIP-KAART 20% korting voor maximaal 2 kaarten per concert. Boek het concert van je keuze door op de juiste kaartsoort te klikken en toon je VIP-KAART aan de deur van de concertzaal.

Zaterdag 27 juli 20.00 u Night at the Museum – Verborgen kamers
Het concert Verborgen Kamers brengt heerlijke stukken van Schubert, Chopin en Liszt! Geniet eerst van het concert en dwaal daarna door Museum Prinsenhof Delft dat alleen voor jou open is! In de ‘Verborgen kamers’ van het museum word je verrast op nog meer muziek. 


Zondag 28 juli 20.00 u Huis vol geheimen
Ieder huishouden en gezin is een wereld, een luchtbel en een verhaal op zichzelf, waar geheimen zijn waar niemand over spreekt, bijzondere recepten, tradities of rituelen, die uitmonden in de gebruikelijke gewoonten, verwachtingen, ontdekkingen, teleurstellingen en ook verrassingen en comfort. Geniet van muziek van Franz Xaver Mozart (zoon van), John Cage en Martinu! 


Dinsdag 30 juli 19.00 u Der Doppelgänger
‘Tweelingvreemden' - het fenomeen dat Schubert afbeeldde in zijn Schwanengesang - en de alter ego’s Florestan en Eusebius die Schumann in zichzelf vond, tonen ons een wereld waarin we tegenovergestelde extreme emoties ervaren. In dit concert brengen bariton Thomas Oliemans en pianist Finghin Collins een selectie uit Franz Schuberts Schwanengesang D957


Dinsdag 30 juli 21.00 u Oude Kerk Concert – Forma Antiqva

Het Spaanse ensemble Forma Antiqva brengt een heerlijk barokprogramma De Sópitu. Dit instrumentale en vocale ensemble wordt beschouwd als een van de invloedrijkste klassieke muziekgezelschappen in Spanje. In De Sópitu nemen de zeven virtuoze musici op historische instrumenten je mee op een reis door een caleidoscoop van muzikale barokke parels. Laat je verrassen door dit temperamentvolle concert met ook populaire muziek uit Asturië, Cantabrië, Galicië, Ierland, Engeland en Schotland. 


Woensdag 31 juli 21.30 u Multimediaconcert – Zeven planeten van de Kleine Prins
De Kleine Prins van Antoine de Saint Exupéry (1900 - 1944) is een modern sprookje en wordt over de hele wereld tot de klassieken gerekend. De verteller, een piloot, verhaalt hoe hij na een noodlanding met zijn vliegtuig in de woestijn de kleine prins ontmoet. Nino Gvetadze programmeerde voor dit concert voor alle planeten bijpassende muziek van Debussy, Dvořák, Van Beethoven, Piazolla en Mozart. Andrea Dröes zorgt voor bijpassend beeld om de verschillende planeten van het verhaal tot leven te laten komen. 


Donderdag 1 aug 20.00 u Human Nature
Jeugdige aanbidding, angst en terreur, pastorale sensualiteit en rituelen zijn de rode lijn in Ravels Chansons Madécasses en Stravinsky’s Sacre du Printemps. Waartoe zijn wij als mens in staat en hoe ver kunnen onze verlangens of ambities ons brengen? Ravel reflecteert op racisme, slavernij en sensualiteit in zijn Chansons Madécasses en Stravinsky beeldt een heidens ritueel uit waarbij een maagd, bewaakt door wijze oudsten, zichzelf dood danst om de woede te verzachten en zichzelf op te offeren voor de God van de Lente. 


▾ How do I book my tickets?

The concerts in the Van der Mandelezaal are been numbered. The concert in the Oude Kerk has 3 categories, depending on the location in the church. Within these categories the seating is free. The concerts in other venues like the Oude Bibliotheek, the Sigarenfabriek and during the Jong Talent Route are free seated; these tickets are without a specific number or row. Before the start of the concert you will be assigned a place by one of the employees.

Order online:
This year the 'stack discount' will be applyed again. If you buy tickets for 3 or more concerts during one reservation, you will receive a 10% discount on the ticket price. The 'stack discount' is only valid for tickets with the full admission price.

1. Go to the 'Tickets' page and click on the 'buy tickets' button next to the concert of your choice. Or go to the concert of your choice on the 'Programme' page and click on the 'buy tickets' button.
2. Choose the number of tickets. You can buy a maximum of 10 tickets per concert online. If you want more, you can do so by calling the Nationale Theaterkassa.
3. Click NEXT. You will then see the text that the tickets have been added to your basket.
4. Click ADD MORE TICKETS if you want to order tickets for another concert. Then repeat steps 1 to 3. You can also delete concerts here by clicking on the "waste bin" and confirming this.
5. Or click NEXT if you want to checkout.
6. Then choose the way you want to pay and the delivery (print the tickets yourself or have them sent by post). Here you will also see the SUMMARY of what you are about to order.
7. Enter your email address. And click NEXT.
8. Enter your name and address details (not all courses are required). And click NEXT.
9. Click CONFIRM.
10. If you have ordered e-tickets, you will then see the DOWNLOAD TICKETS button. Click that button and save your tickets.
11. Check your mailbox: there you will find the confirmation of your order. This also contains the link to download your tickets (if you have ordered e-tickets). You can print your tickets or show them on your mobile phone at the entrance of the room.
Payment via the website is made via iDeal, credit card (extra costs), with a Podiumcadeaukaart or VVV-voucher.

Order by phone:
If you have a Dutch cell phone or you are in The Netherlands, the Nationale Theaterkassa can be reached by telephone 7 days a week from 08:00 - 20:00 via 0900-9203 (€ 0.45 pm).
If you call from abroad or if you have a foreign cell phone, please call +31 88 123 24 24.
Up to one day before a concert tickets can be ordered by telephone, after that only online and at the festival box office. By telephone order the booking costs amount to € 3.50. After the order has been placed, a link to iDeal with a request for payment will be sent via email. The order will not be final until the payment has been received. The reservation expires after 3 days. After receipt of payment, the cards are sent by email. Specific (wheelchair) places and wishes can only be communicated by telephone.

Festival boxoffice:
The festival box office is located on the festival site at Oude Delft and opens an hour before the concerts. Payment is made in cash or with bankcard. Credit card payments are not possible here.

Sold out?
If a concert is sold out, sequence numbers will be handed out at the ticket office from one hour before the start of the event. These places will be sold on a serial number from a moment set by the cashier employee before the start of the concert.

Discount passes
The following discount passes are valid in 2024: VriendenLoterij VIP-kaart, DenHaag Pas (formerly UITpas) and CJP.

Ticket sales for the Delft Chamber Music Festival are handled by the Nationale Theaterkassa. The cards are sent by e-mail and must be printed out to the concert or shown on your mobile device.

Unfortubately we cannot exchange tickets for different dates or concerts. We also do not grant a refund, unless in the situation of a pandemic. If you can not use your tickets, please give them to someone else.

▾ Which locations are there?

Most of the concerts take place in the Van der Mandelezaal at Museum Prinsenhof Delft (Oude Delft 185, Delft). But there are also concerts in the De Sigarenfabriek and De Oude Bibliotheek.

For an overview of the locations, go here.

▾ Less agile?

The Van der Mandelezaal at Museum Prinsenhof Delft is accessible for disabled visitors. Because of fire safety a maximum of 2 scooters or wheelchairs per concert is allowed.

Wheelchairs and places for the wheelchair guide can only be reserved by telephone at the Nationale Theater Kassa: 0900-9203. A number of wheelchair spaces are available at all locations. The Stoelendans Concerts and the Jong Talent Route are less suitable because of the many movements.

▾ How do I get to the festival by public transport?

If you arrive by train at the NS Station Delft Centrum, you reach the festival site at the Oude Delft 185, the Van der Mandelezaal, the Waalse Kerk and the Oude Kerk by foot. It takes an 8 minute walk.

If you go by tram: take line 1, direction Scheveningen Noorderstrand; Prinsenhof stop.
If you go by bus: take line 51, direction Den Haag; Prinsenhof stop. Or line 53, direction Rijswijk; Prinsenhof stop.

▾ How do I get there by car?

Delft is easily accessible by car. But please Therefore check the website: bereikbaardelft.nl 

We advise to park in the Prinsenhofgarage (which is the closest to the Van der Mandelezaal, the Phoenixgarage or the Marktgarage. Look for parking spaces on the website of parkingdelft.nl

You can purchase the 4-hour discount card when you visit Delft for a short time. This costs € 10,- and you can buy it online here. This discount card reimburses your parking costs incurred in the Prinsenhof or Marktgarage for a maximum of 4 hours (additional payment is possible).

To use the card:

- When entering the garage, you pull an entry ticket
- When exiting, first enter your entry card at the barrier and then scan the QR code so that the red lamp shines on the code
- If you have to pay extra, you can pay with pin or credit card at the barrier.

▾ How do I become a sponsor or partner?

To make the Delft Chamber Music Festival a great success every year, we also call on external partners and sponsors. For entrepreneurs, individuals and funds with a warm heart for art and culture, we have developed interesting modules to which you can connect. With your participation you show your commitment to put Delft on the map as a cultural and creative city. Your contribution ensures that the Delft Chamber Music Festival can maintain and enhance its high level and quality.
If you are interested, you can contact the festival director via the mail

Corporate support
The Delft Chamber Music Festival offers all kinds of possibilities to expand your network of contacts in a creative way, while at the same time strengthening knowledge and culture in Delft. The organization is also open to a substantive, strategic collaboration in which the Delft Chamber Music Festival can serve as a showcase or as a meeting place for your relations or employees. We would like to get in touch with you to discuss the possibilities.

If you would like to become a sponsor, you can contact the festival director via email.