Support DCMF to preserve this beautiful festival!

DCMF has been a permanent fixture in beautiful Delft for more than 25 years. Artistic director Nino Gvetadze takes great pleasure in creating the festival you want to visit every year. We are happy to have you there. To give the festival a solid foundation in the future, we ask for your friendship and financial support.
Not everyone's wallet is the same. We therefore distinguish three categories of Friends.

Friend Great Friend Best Friend
Amount per year => € 50 => € 500 => € 1,000
Periodic donation

If you want to become a friend, please fill in the contact form via the button below. We will then contact you. Donating anonymously is also possible.

If you want to support DCMF but prefer to give a one-time amount of your choice.

Your donations to the Chamber Music Initiative Foundation

The donations that we have raised since the festival's inception have always been collected by the Foundation Initiative for Chamber Music (IVK): the Friends Foundation of DCMF. This Friends Foundation with ANBI status has the exclusive goal of helping to make the festival possible. With donations from IVK to the festival, special projects can be made possible or productions with a social purpose (performances in a hospice or hospital) can be realized. IVK does not engage in hoarding or capital formation. The gifts that Friends make available ultimately all benefit DCMF. The IVK Foundation and the DCMF Foundation are independent Foundations, with their own boards.

Jong talent krijgt een podium | Foto: Melle Vogel

Tax benefit

The cultural donation to an ANBI institution such as DCMF is deductible up to 125% of the donation (current status as of May 2024). Both the one-off and the multi-year gift to a cultural ANBI have this tax advantage. If you want to provide the festival with more sustainable financing in the form of a multi-year gift, we will agree on a donation agreement. Especially for multi-year donations, we will ask you for authorization for a direct debit payment.

Would you rather give anonymously?

If you would like to give, but prefer to do so anonymously, you can certainly do so. You can indicate that you do not wish to be identified in any way. If desired, you will receive proof of your donation for your annual tax return. We are very grateful to you and all our Friends and generous donors.

Friend Great Friend Best Friend
Meet & Greet
Special Invitations:
Season Announcement / Friends Reception
Friends Dinner
(at own expense)
Free Festival Book

Do you have questions, ideas or comments?

Please contact: Evert van den Bergh, chairman of IVK / 06 53 27 79 85

Stan Paardekooper, general board member of IVK / 06 53 74 75 37