Lars Wouters van den Oudenweijer studied with Walter Boeykens at the Rotterdam Conservatory and continued his studies with Charles Neidich at The Juilliard School in New York. He won first prizes at various international competitions. In 1999 he made his successful debut at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam in the series 'Young Dutchmen' and gave solo performances in the 'Rising Stars' Concert Series in New York and on major European concert stages. He is seen as an internationally versatile clarinetist.

As a soloist, Lars played with various orchestras at home and abroad, such as the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, Radio Chamber Philharmonic, Amsterdam Sinfonietta, Het Gelders Orkest, Philharmonie Zuid-Nederland, Het Noord Nederlands Orkest and Het Orkest van het Oosten. He regularly plays chamber music with string quartets and ensembles such as Ebène, Danèl, Auryn and Altenberg Trio Wien. He received the Edison in 2003 for his debut CD in the 'Young Masters' category. His various recordings have received critical acclaim internationally. His recording of work by J. MacMillan was awarded the 'Five Star Concerto Choice' in the BBC Music Magazine.

Performances Lars Wouters van den Oudenwijer

Delft Chamber Music Festival